Curriculum Developer Volunteer Training
Learn the basics of volunteering with The Dollar Detectives and how to develop effective lessons for teaching youth about finances.
Creating a Positive Learning Environment
Land and Labour Acknowledgement
Volunteer Training - What to Expect
Mission, Vision, and Values
Our Story: A Message From Our Founder, Guirlene Joseph
How The Dollar Detectives is Different
The Dollar Detectives Programs
Why Volunteers Are Important
Volunteer Policies, Procedures, and Agreements (Required)
Defining equity, diversity and inclusion (EDI)
Dimensions of Diversity: Intersectionality and Privilege
Intersecting Identities (Optional)
Why EDI is Important to TDD
Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Resources
Planning a Lesson
Curriculum Development Tips
Tools, Resources and Teaching Materials
TDD Workshop Resource Page
How to Use Better Impact for Tracking Volunteer Hours
Review: Expectations
Volunteer Commitment (Optional)
Course Survey (Optional)